Effects of Saturn-Ketu Conjunction

Let’s take a look at what happens when the Effects of Saturn-Ketu Conjunction meet in your birth chart, in your parent’s or kids’ charts. What exactly does this conjunction mean?

Ketu is a planet of solitude; it is about transition, destruction, loss, and spiritualism, which is not present in materialism. I don’t want to know and leave me alone attitude. Simply aloof. So unconsciously makes the person a thinker and this over some time makes you highly intellectual which goes beyond the physical plane. more towards intuitive.

Saturn is a slow-moving planet associated with judgment and karma, determining whether one has good or negative karma based on past actions. Simply fear; you will experience fear whichever house it is placed in. People use big words hardworking, sincere disciplined etc. But the actual understanding is this – when you will experience failure and insult for a very long period. So either you become frustrated and then depressed. Or you stand up and face the challenge and learn to overcome it in the process.

Saturn-Ketu Conjunction = FEAR + CONFUSED

Whenever Ketu and Saturn align or are sitting together in any house in Kundli it makes the person scared and has no motivation to even face the challenge. But here is the catch, this effect of the conjunction is dependent on the moon and then the sun. So if the moon and sun are not good. Your specific part of life will be destroyed wherever this conjunction is placed.

In this case, the person will grow from a young child to an adult, and as they get older, several incidents and situations arise in their lives where they must deal with this deep karma, which is actually from a previous life. You may be carrying this deep karma from many past lives, including your own. This means that there is unfinished business from past lives that you have lived, and if you don’t resolve it now, it will resurface in a future life.

I don’t mean to scare anyone, but if you believe that this conjunction exists in your chart, it means that there is deep karma associated with that particular aspect of your life, whether it be related to work, your seventh house of marriage, or money. All you need to do is understand this energy and try to decode it with the help of a professional astrologist or spiritual advisor to try and figure out the root cause and then find a solution. If you don’t, the Karma will remain unfulfilled and the karma won’t be cleared.

As an illustration, let’s say you have this specific conjunction in your spouse’s chart or your chart. This indicates that there is a lot of unfinished business between you two; it could be your karma towards them, their karma towards you, or both. Regardless of the reason behind your desire to end the relationship, try to understand that divorcing or splitting up will not erase the karma; it will only provide a brief reprieve from being apart from your partner. You will still need to follow the universal law and fulfill your end of the bargain.

If this conjunction is in your fifth house and is representing your child, then there may be problems in your child’s life that you, as their parent, must take responsibility for resolving. These problems could include learning difficulties, slow learners, physical deformability, or mental health issues, but you are being told to clear this karma by supporting your child. If the problem is financial, then you will undoubtedly need to consult with a specialist and obtain further analysis because this is a very deep karma.

There are differences between Saturn Rahu and Saturn Ketu; they are two distinct forces. Nothing in this universe happens by coincidence. If you’ve come here to read this blog, I’m sure there’s a reason for it. Instead of expressing your hatred or anger or, you know, holding onto too much rage and refusing to accept the energy you should try to resolve the situation.

It is important to remember that astrology is complicated and complex, and individual charts must be thoroughly examined to comprehend every aspect of each planetary conjunction. Saturn-Ketu conjunctions can be difficult, but they can also be a great time for development, reflection, and spiritual growth.

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